Funny thing happened on my way to today's blog post; I was skimming the new items in my Google reader, and I found this post about leadership and tribes from Seth Godin.
Seth is an author, a marketing guru, and some other things. I can't tell you much more because I don't really know what he does, but I know that I like a lot of what he says. I think "how true" or find myself asking more questions after I read what he writes. And often I find what he says applicable to our work in fraternity/sorority life. But if I'm being honest, we're probably not on a first name basis...that's how little I really know.
But when he started his tribes project, of which I am a part, and then gathered case studies for the ebook that was just published I have devoured much of it. So while the real post for today is still in the may or may not phase of getting published today, I pause to share with the leaders that are AFA members and Annual Meeting attendees some neat thoughts about leadership, courtesy of Seth Godin.