The Annual Meeting is an amazing opportunity to reconnect with old friends, come together to learn something new, and have a chance for intentional conversations that can help to shape the future of our profession. I will also take this opportunity to spotlight the programs sponsored by the First Timers Committee. Please make sure to join us for The AFA CONNECTION Kickoff on Wednesday night. The Kickoff will be a great chance for first time attendees to connect with other Annual Meeting attendees and learn more about the Annual Meeting and highlights from each committee. Also, we will have sponsored meals together for anyone who would like to join, including a night out on Thursday night with dining in downtown Denver.
I hope you are as excited as I am. I cannot wait to see old friends and meet many more. Please find anyone on the Annual Meeting Planning Team if you need help or have any questions.
First timers, you have to meet Eli when you get to Denver. He and the First Timers Committee are working hard to ensure a great experience for you. Which is good, because after mentioning that morning meeting I wasn't ever supposed to speak of again and using a picture of him he hasn't pre-screened for the blog, he may make it a rough experience for me!