As a member of the AMPT I have been very, very lucky to meet and work with some amazing up-and-coming professionals as graduate staff members. The thing about grad staff, though, is that we are only able to provide that opportunity to eight graduate members. And yet so, so many of our soon-to be first-year professionals are amazing in their own right; I hope you have a chance to meet them, to offer some words of wisdom, and to challenge them to be the next great thing in the fraternal movement. Tonight I want you to meet the 8 representatives of the next generation that I have the privilege to work with while we're in Denver, and hear a little bit about their interest in serving our Association. The narrarator for this guest post is Tyler Blair (Beta Theta Pi) from the University of Kansas). Did I hear a "Rock Chalk?" Thought so. Well done.
Greetings from Grad Staff!
Each year 8 graduate students are selected to join the Annual Meeting Planning Team to assist in the execution and management of this premier professional development event of the Association. While the Annual Meeting is still 3 weeks away, and we've only been on board for about that same amount of time, the 8 of us are in serious prep mode! On behalf of the team, I'd thought I'd take a few minutes to give you an inside look at our Grad Staff experience thus far.
I had always known I'd apply for Grad Staff - ever since my senior year when my own Greek Advisor was getting ready to attend this thing called the "AFA Annual Meeting," I had known that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Not only have I always been a conference junky who loves the behind-the-scenes aspects of events, but I also knew that being on the Grad Staff would be an awesome opportunity to help myself become an active member of AFA.
Here’s what other Grad Staffers had to say about why they applied:
"I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for me to network with other professionals working in the field of fraternity and sorority life"
~ John Salazar, University of Maryland, Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc.
“Everyone I had spoken with that had been apart of Grad Staff had such positive experiences and looked back with such fond memories that I knew it was something that would be a meaningful experience in my growth as a professional in this field.”
~ Meg Shamburger, College of William & Mary, Kappa Alpha Theta
“Volunteering is part of my personal and fraternal values. I wanted to give back to the organization that has helped guide me to become a better professional.”
~Alex Snowden, Illinois State University, Beta Theta Pi
“I wanted to be on Grad Staff because I would like to become more involved with AFA and I felt that this position will be a great stepping stone for my future involvement within the Association.”
~ Katelin Getz, Ohio University, Alpha Delta Pi
The other part of our experience is the cohort we will form with one another. Grad staff is a shared experience. The 8 of us will be spending long days and late nights together. We all come from diverse backgrounds, but with similar interests and passions, and have a lot to learn from one another, (hopefully!). For the past 4 weeks, under our fearless leader and Grad Staff Coordinator, Jennifer Leung, we have been busy getting to know each other. In addition to the 7 new Facebook friends each of had within 24 hours of joining Grad Staff, we have all been engaging in weekly ice breaker activities via a Blackboard Discussion board.
Oh, and in addition to all that fun stuff, don't worry, we've been working as well. We've been busy learning about our on-site responsibilities, understanding the role of the Annual Meeting, planning our travel, and filling out lots of paperwork.
And all of this preparation is getting us all very excited. Here is what the rest of the team has to say about what they are most excited about as we prepare for Denver:
"I am looking forward to being behind the scenes of the Annual Meeting and understanding what are the needs of professionals to better assist Greek Students."
~ Daniel Hernandez, Western Illinois University, Delta Tau Delta
“I’m excited to meet the rest of the awesome Grad Staff members and to be surrounded by individuals who are passionate and excited about what they do!”
~ Maria Iglesia, Clemson University, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc.
“I am most excited about meeting everyone and making some new friends. I am also excited about getting involved with AFA and learning more about what all it takes to make the Annual Meeting all that it is!”
~ Ashlee Canty, Western Illinois University, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
As the Annual Meeting quickly approaches, we hope you are getting excited too. Whether you attend the Annual Meeting to create or renew friendships, engage in meaningful dialogue, or sharpen your professional skills, the 2008 Annual Meeting has a whole lot to offer. On behalf of the 2008 Grad Staff Team, we are looking forward to being a part of helping you reach your Peak Performance.
See you in Denver!
~ The 2008 AM Grad Staff Team
So, if there are other 2nd year masters students reading this or professionals who think they may be hiring a recent grad this spring/summer, would it be a good time to make a shameful plug for AFA's 1st 90 days program? I'm thinkin' yes. Let experienced members and those who just lived it help those new professionals out there Be. R.E.A.D.Y for anything in their first year. [Disclaimer: Yes, I am definitely on the 2009 1st 90 days committee. Give a girl a blog, and see where she takes it?]