Likely everyone who made the trip to Denver is settled back in their work, and eagerly anticipating whatever seasonal break awaits them in the coming days. Nonetheless, there is unfinished Annual Meeting Business.
First, It is now time to close the opening session!
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been” -George Eliot
After I shared the quote with my father, he lit up in a moment of awakening while a weak smile formed on his face. He then gave me a gift I will always remember. He proclaimed, “I got there!”
That’s what the planning committee, the professional association, and all of us that care for students want for you!
It was an honor. ~ Don
Second, the evaluations are available.
I have said it before but it is worth repeating: evaluations are very important to the Annual Meeting Planning Team. We really, really do listen to the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Everyone involved in the planning wants to craft the best possible experience for you - so take the time to complete the evaluation. You'll find it here.