The service plunge supporting Project Angel Heart was better than any of us expected. What an amazing way to kick off this year's Annual Meeting! AFA volunteers joined the kitchen staff from Project Angel Heart for nearly 4 hours this morning.
These guys serve more than 700 clients per week thanks to the work of more than 300 volunteers. However, don't think soup kitchen. Instead, think of a nutritious, customized 'meals on wheels' with a little extra love and attention. The prepared meals are nutritiously dense carrying nearly 2000 calories each. Each meal is prepared from scratch and customized to the unique dietary needs of each client. The meals are frozen and packaged in handmade care bags. Drivers deliver a week's worth of meals to each client.
All of Project Angel Heart's clients are people living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other life threatening illnesses that are not capable of preparing nutritious meals on their own. Each client is recommended to the program by a doctor. Thanks to the work of Project Angel Heart's staff and volunteers more than 300,000 meals are served with love every year.
Our volunteers were side-by-side with the kitchen staff chopping vegetables, cutting bread, washing dishes, decorating care bags, processing chicken, and more. This was the real deal! We made new friends, enjoyed a little interfraternal brotherhood/sisterhood, and made a difference supporting a great cause.
Thanks to all those that volunteered.